berlin school of vr (Virtual reality)

School for Virtual Reality



Virtual Reality World

Berlin School of VR, in Spatial (2024)



- Virtual Reality Crash Course

- Virtual Reality for Lovers

- Virtual Reality for Arts and Cultural Institutions

- Virtual Reality World Hopping

- Virtual Reality for Teenagers and their Parents

- Artistic Practice in the Metaverse (with Fernanda Parente)

- HOW TO Appear Confident in Virtual Reality

- Teenage Trips into the Metaverse


On Tour

- tbc: The Hague (2025)

- Helene Nathan Library, Neukölln (2025)



- Laval Virtual, Spotlights from Germany (2025)

- VRühstück #1, together with Berlin Partners (2024)

- People and Culture Festival by medianet 

berlinbrandenburg e.V. (2024)

- re:publica (2024)


Interviews / Articles

- CCB (2024)

- muxmäuschenwild (2024)


Social Media



Funded by

Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt Berlin (2024)

Founder Katharina Haverich

Coordinator Konstantin Bez 

Teaching Colleagues Fernanda ParenteRory WillatsSönke Kirchhof, Ranjit MenonJoseph Dunne-Howrie

World Building Studio für unendliche Möglichkeiten


Produced by Ymusic